Software Testing

Software testing is an integral phase in software development, aimed at enhancing the quality and reliability of software systems. It encompasses a variety of testing types, from functional and non-functional assessments to regression, performance, and security testing. Test cases are meticulously designed to evaluate specific aspects of the software's functionality, and defects are identified and documented for resolution. This iterative process occurs throughout the software development lifecycle, starting with unit testing by developers and extending to integration, system, and user acceptance testing. Comprehensive documentation is maintained, aiding in tracking progress and continuous improvement efforts. Ultimately, software testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring that software meets its intended requirements, functions as expected, and delivers a positive user experience.

Software testing is a crucial component of quality assurance in software development. It involves various testing types, such as functional, non-functional, regression, and security testing, to identify and rectify defects and issues. Test cases are meticulously designed to evaluate specific functionalities, and defects are documented for resolution. This iterative process spans the software development lifecycle, from unit testing by developers to integration, system, and user acceptance testing. Detailed documentation is maintained throughout, facilitating progress tracking and continuous improvement. Ultimately, software testing ensures that software meets its requirements, functions correctly, and provides a reliable and satisfactory user experience.

Manual testing is a process in software testing where testers execute test cases without the use of automation tools. In short, manual testing involves a human tester manually evaluating and verifying software functionality, features, and user interface elements to ensure that the application behaves as expected.

Performance testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the responsiveness, speed, scalability, and overall performance of a system under different conditions. In short, performance testing helps ensure that a software application or system meets the performance expectations and requirements.

API testing is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an application's programming interfaces (APIs). In short, API testing involves testing the communication and data exchange between different software components through APIs.

Unit testing is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software application are tested in isolation to ensure their correctness. In short, unit testing involves validating that each unit of the software, typically a function or method, performs as designed..

System testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the complete and integrated software system to ensure that it meets specified requirements. In short, system testing involves testing the entire system as a whole.

Security testing is a type of software testing that assesses the security features of a software application to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats. In short, security testing is conducted to ensure that the software system is resistant to unauthorized access, attacks, and protects sensitive data

Courses Batch (Mon-fri)

Software Testing Online :

  • Duration : 3 Months
  • 2hrs in a day(10AM-12PM)
  • Start Date :16 Oct 2023

Software testing Offline :

  • Duration : 3 Months
  • 2hrs in a day(10AM-12PM)
  • Start Date :23 Oct 2023

Courses- Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun)

Software Testing-Online :

Software Testing-Offline :